52411 Map

52411 Income Statistics

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Comparison to Surrounding Areas

52411 Median Household Income

The median household income ($164,972) for 52411 is more than 52405 ($65,352), 52324 ($109,432), 52328 ($132,833), 52341 ($79,453), 52402 ($71,319), 52233 ($66,497), 52302 ($87,463), Linn County ($76,421), Cedar Rapids city ($67,859), Hiawatha city ($67,628), and Robins city ($122,500).

Cedar Rapids city$67,859
Hiawatha city$67,628
Robins city$122,500
Linn County$76,421

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52411 Average Household Income

The average household income ($249,965) for 52411 is more than 52405 ($85,743), 52324 ($128,842), 52328 ($156,634), 52341 ($94,479), 52402 ($90,480), 52233 ($92,286), 52302 ($106,586), Linn County ($101,721), Cedar Rapids city ($91,040), Hiawatha city ($106,271), and Robins city ($161,425).

Cedar Rapids city$91,040
Hiawatha city$106,271
Robins city$161,425
Linn County$101,721

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52411 Per-Capita Income

The per-capita income for 52411 is $86,911. The per capita income ($86,911) for 52411 is more than 52405 ($38,081), 52324 ($46,281), 52328 ($55,779), 52341 ($31,009), 52402 ($39,799), 52233 ($38,345), 52302 ($43,299), Linn County ($42,497), Cedar Rapids city ($39,824), Hiawatha city ($44,116), and Robins city ($55,911).

Cedar Rapids city$39,824
Hiawatha city$44,116
Robins city$55,911
Linn County$42,497

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52411 High Income Households

38.4% of households make over $200,000 a year. The percent high income households (38.4%) for 52411 is more than 52405 (5.5%), 52324 (12.0%), 52328 (24.1%), 52341 (11.3%), 52402 (6.3%), 52233 (10.3%), 52302 (10.3%), Linn County (9.4%), Cedar Rapids city (7.4%), Hiawatha city (11.8%), and Robins city (25.2%).

Cedar Rapids city7.4%
Hiawatha city11.8%
Robins city25.2%
Linn County9.4%

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52411 Median Household Income by Age of Householder

under 25 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and over
Cedar Rapids city$41,688$72,394$81,580$52,976
Hiawatha city$60,930$69,583$90,938$61,607
Robins city$-1$158,750$134,000$80,192
Linn County$44,803$83,444$93,984$58,143

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About the Data

Sources & Margins of Error

All income statistics above are the most current, comparable income statistics available from the US Census Bureau and are from the American Community Survey 2023 5-year estimates. You can find this information and other demographics for 52411 on the US Census Bureau’s website. These values are in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars and were downloaded on 12 December 2024.

The following data tables were used:

  • B19001 Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19013 Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19301 Per Capita Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • S1902 Mean Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19049 Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars) By Age Of Householder

Margins of error for the above income data are:

Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income High Income Households Median Household Income by Age of Householder
under 25 25 to 44 45 to 64 65+
Cedar Rapids city+/-$2,022+/-$3,159+/-$1,441+/-0.9%+/-$7,495+/-$4,501+/-$3,888+/-$3,545
Hiawatha city+/-$18,923+/-$21,494+/-$9,378+/-5.7%+/-$23,008+/-$33,054+/-$35,338+/-$7,226
Robins city+/-$23,722+/-$25,887+/-$8,097+/-7.1%+/-$-1+/-$51,617+/-$29,961+/-$33,620
Linn County+/-$2,006+/-$2,934+/-$1,171+/-0.7%+/-$6,258+/-$3,066+/-$3,330+/-$2,945