63121 Map

63121 Income Statistics

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Comparison to Surrounding Areas

63121 Median Household Income

The median household income ($41,285) for 63121 is less than the median household income for 63114 ($52,048), 63135 ($55,179), 63134 ($42,222), St. Louis County ($81,340), Cool Valley city ($50,417), Ferguson city ($46,106), Glen Echo Park village ($57,143), Pasadena Hills city ($85,694), Pasadena Park village ($90,309), St. John city ($50,429), Uplands Park village ($50,313), Velda City city ($43,125), Velda Village Hills city ($45,313), Beverly Hills city ($47,955), Bel-Nor village ($106,875), and Bellerive Acres city ($134,375). But it's more than 63120 ($34,097), 63133 ($36,927), 63136 ($40,388), Hillsdale village ($39,722), Jennings city ($37,356), Normandy city ($33,421), Bel-Ridge village ($39,878), Norwood Court town ($40,543), Pagedale city ($30,908), Pine Lawn city ($19,924), Northwoods city ($40,787), Berkeley city ($40,654), and Greendale city ($40,547).

Velda Village Hills city$45,313
Bellerive Acres city$134,375
Bel-Nor village$106,875
Bel-Ridge village$39,878
Berkeley city$40,654
Beverly Hills city$47,955
Cool Valley city$50,417
Ferguson city$46,106
Glen Echo Park village$57,143
Greendale city$40,547
Hillsdale village$39,722
Jennings city$37,356
Normandy city$33,421
Northwoods city$40,787
Norwood Court town$40,543
Pagedale city$30,908
Pasadena Hills city$85,694
Pasadena Park village$90,309
Pine Lawn city$19,924
St. John city$50,429
Uplands Park village$50,313
Velda City city$43,125
St. Louis County$81,340

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63121 Average Household Income

The average household income ($55,872) for 63121 is less than the average household income for 63114 ($67,290), 63135 ($66,693), 63134 ($56,034), St. Louis County ($121,117), Cool Valley city ($63,711), Ferguson city ($61,736), Glen Echo Park village ($82,148), Greendale city ($63,097), Pasadena Hills city ($110,769), Pasadena Park village ($90,484), St. John city ($63,376), Uplands Park village ($60,684), Beverly Hills city ($60,466), Bel-Nor village ($110,213), and Bellerive Acres city ($156,450). But it's more than 63120 ($43,831), 63133 ($47,221), 63136 ($53,013), Jennings city ($45,121), Normandy city ($40,054), Northwoods city ($45,018), Norwood Court town ($40,854), Bel-Ridge village ($49,788), Pine Lawn city ($26,663), Velda City city ($47,929), Velda Village Hills city ($51,381), Pagedale city ($45,040), Berkeley city ($54,737), and Hillsdale village ($42,763).

Velda Village Hills city$51,381
Bellerive Acres city$156,450
Bel-Nor village$110,213
Bel-Ridge village$49,788
Berkeley city$54,737
Beverly Hills city$60,466
Cool Valley city$63,711
Ferguson city$61,736
Glen Echo Park village$82,148
Greendale city$63,097
Hillsdale village$42,763
Jennings city$45,121
Normandy city$40,054
Northwoods city$45,018
Norwood Court town$40,854
Pagedale city$45,040
Pasadena Hills city$110,769
Pasadena Park village$90,484
Pine Lawn city$26,663
St. John city$63,376
Uplands Park village$60,684
Velda City city$47,929
St. Louis County$121,117

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63121 Per-Capita Income

The per-capita income for 63121 is $25,648. The per capita income ($25,648) for 63121 is less than the per capita income for 63114 ($30,722), 63135 ($30,024), St. Louis County ($51,085), Beverly Hills city ($28,932), Ferguson city ($28,833), Glen Echo Park village ($40,393), Greendale city ($29,147), Norwood Court town ($31,303), Pasadena Hills city ($58,567), Pasadena Park village ($46,008), St. John city ($27,888), Bel-Nor village ($48,380), and Bellerive Acres city ($51,494). But it's more than 63120 ($18,041), 63133 ($22,409), 63134 ($21,707), 63136 ($23,071), Jennings city ($19,961), Normandy city ($19,377), Northwoods city ($22,271), Pagedale city ($21,154), Bel-Ridge village ($19,050), Uplands Park village ($23,147), Velda City city ($20,151), Velda Village Hills city ($24,920), Pine Lawn city ($11,314), Berkeley city ($21,450), Cool Valley city ($21,299), and Hillsdale village ($17,662).

Velda Village Hills city$24,920
Bellerive Acres city$51,494
Bel-Nor village$48,380
Bel-Ridge village$19,050
Berkeley city$21,450
Beverly Hills city$28,932
Cool Valley city$21,299
Ferguson city$28,833
Glen Echo Park village$40,393
Greendale city$29,147
Hillsdale village$17,662
Jennings city$19,961
Normandy city$19,377
Northwoods city$22,271
Norwood Court town$31,303
Pagedale city$21,154
Pasadena Hills city$58,567
Pasadena Park village$46,008
Pine Lawn city$11,314
St. John city$27,888
Uplands Park village$23,147
Velda City city$20,151
St. Louis County$51,085

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63121 High Income Households

2.2% of households make over $200,000 a year. The percent high income households (2.2%) for 63121 is less than the percent high income households for 63114 (2.5%), 63135 (2.5%), St. Louis County (14.8%), Beverly Hills city (3.1%), Cool Valley city (5.0%), Ferguson city (2.4%), Glen Echo Park village (4.2%), Greendale city (6.1%), Pasadena Hills city (13.4%), Pasadena Park village (4.1%), St. John city (3.9%), Bel-Nor village (7.7%), and Bellerive Acres city (23.9%). But it's more than 63120 (0.8%), 63133 (0.7%), 63134 (1.0%), 63136 (1.6%), Normandy city (0.1%), Northwoods city (0.0%), Norwood Court town (0.0%), Pagedale city (0.5%), Bel-Ridge village (0.5%), Uplands Park village (0.0%), Velda City city (0.0%), Velda Village Hills city (0.5%), Pine Lawn city (0.0%), Berkeley city (0.8%), Hillsdale village (0.0%), and Jennings city (0.4%).

Velda Village Hills city0.5%
Bellerive Acres city23.9%
Bel-Nor village7.7%
Bel-Ridge village0.5%
Berkeley city0.8%
Beverly Hills city3.1%
Cool Valley city5.0%
Ferguson city2.4%
Glen Echo Park village4.2%
Greendale city6.1%
Hillsdale village0.0%
Jennings city0.4%
Normandy city0.1%
Northwoods city0.0%
Norwood Court town0.0%
Pagedale city0.5%
Pasadena Hills city13.4%
Pasadena Park village4.1%
Pine Lawn city0.0%
St. John city3.9%
Uplands Park village0.0%
Velda City city0.0%
St. Louis County14.8%

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63121 Median Household Income by Age of Householder

under 25 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and over
Velda Village Hills city$-1$35,461$58,654$37,969
Bellerive Acres city$-1$138,500$-1$95,625
Bel-Nor village$-1$118,787$114,464$87,857
Bel-Ridge village$-1$55,267$37,222$25,859
Berkeley city$-1$33,488$65,393$35,645
Beverly Hills city$-1$49,318$58,478$25,625
Cool Valley city$-1$50,184$60,500$48,490
Ferguson city$-1$40,984$57,015$50,363
Glen Echo Park village$-1$98,750$73,750$55,714
Greendale city$-1$76,154$62,083$24,429
Hillsdale village$-1$40,556$40,221$-1
Jennings city$-1$41,335$37,574$27,875
Normandy city$16,515$48,463$39,269$28,406
Northwoods city$-1$41,707$38,494$41,552
Norwood Court town$36,285$41,070$34,732$53,333
Pagedale city$-1$54,259$30,563$22,708
Pasadena Hills city$-1$58,382$118,917$78,125
Pasadena Park village$-1$85,750$91,190$41,538
Pine Lawn city$-1$27,860$-1$19,318
St. John city$-1$51,883$52,388$33,563
Uplands Park village$-1$-1$76,023$44,167
Velda City city$-1$33,920$59,750$31,667
St. Louis County$39,238$86,396$101,942$62,138

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About the Data

Sources & Margins of Error

All income statistics above are the most current, comparable income statistics available from the US Census Bureau and are from the American Community Survey 2023 5-year estimates. You can find this information and other demographics for 63121 on the US Census Bureau’s website. These values are in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars and were downloaded on 12 December 2024.

The following data tables were used:

  • B19001 Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19013 Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19301 Per Capita Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • S1902 Mean Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19049 Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars) By Age Of Householder

Margins of error for the above income data are:

Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income High Income Households Median Household Income by Age of Householder
under 25 25 to 44 45 to 64 65+
Velda Village Hills city+/-$17,892+/-$7,666+/-$5,269+/-0.8%+/-$-1+/-$4,522+/-$21,615+/-$16,648
Bellerive Acres city+/-$27,439+/-$31,886+/-$11,540+/-14.0%+/-$-1+/-$69,247+/-$-1+/-$33,529
Bel-Nor village+/-$11,196+/-$10,601+/-$6,570+/-3.6%+/-$-1+/-$7,928+/-$35,829+/-$19,039
Bel-Ridge village+/-$6,409+/-$6,995+/-$3,291+/-0.8%+/-$-1+/-$22,051+/-$10,359+/-$21,133
Berkeley city+/-$7,584+/-$7,732+/-$3,410+/-0.9%+/-$-1+/-$6,254+/-$24,342+/-$3,373
Beverly Hills city+/-$8,879+/-$15,214+/-$12,589+/-4.7%+/-$-1+/-$13,550+/-$8,396+/-$6,897
Cool Valley city+/-$6,537+/-$14,497+/-$5,791+/-6.3%+/-$-1+/-$24,841+/-$35,823+/-$13,700
Ferguson city+/-$9,472+/-$4,752+/-$2,653+/-1.0%+/-$-1+/-$8,065+/-$4,473+/-$12,452
Glen Echo Park village+/-$16,782+/-$17,231+/-$9,795+/-5.6%+/-$-1+/-$72,527+/-$53,379+/-$13,465
Greendale city+/-$22,474+/-$17,757+/-$12,321+/-5.4%+/-$-1+/-$58,713+/-$9,136+/-$12,844
Hillsdale village+/-$6,604+/-$4,871+/-$2,970+/-8.5%+/-$-1+/-$22,669+/-$3,841+/-$-1
Jennings city+/-$6,387+/-$4,400+/-$2,125+/-0.4%+/-$-1+/-$3,149+/-$11,571+/-$7,845
Normandy city+/-$7,405+/-$5,547+/-$2,512+/-0.3%+/-$13,072+/-$19,095+/-$7,849+/-$5,354
Northwoods city+/-$5,641+/-$6,538+/-$3,726+/-1.9%+/-$-1+/-$21,488+/-$16,744+/-$15,696
Norwood Court town+/-$4,592+/-$5,377+/-$6,648+/-5.5%+/-$5,781+/-$717+/-$8,944+/-$19,508
Pagedale city+/-$4,451+/-$9,875+/-$3,710+/-1.0%+/-$-1+/-$29,682+/-$7,216+/-$8,868
Pasadena Hills city+/-$35,302+/-$19,670+/-$9,813+/-6.5%+/-$-1+/-$52,670+/-$35,801+/-$44,597
Pasadena Park village+/-$13,226+/-$13,514+/-$9,777+/-5.1%+/-$-1+/-$38,941+/-$1,837+/-$7,955
Pine Lawn city+/-$16,162+/-$5,523+/-$2,999+/-2.8%+/-$-1+/-$24,914+/-$-1+/-$5,742
St. John city+/-$7,773+/-$7,416+/-$2,945+/-3.6%+/-$-1+/-$14,770+/-$12,677+/-$13,027
Uplands Park village+/-$20,397+/-$13,530+/-$4,593+/-21.9%+/-$-1+/-$-1+/-$28,008+/-$21,928
Velda City city+/-$10,722+/-$6,139+/-$2,789+/-6.3%+/-$-1+/-$10,992+/-$25,200+/-$9,456
St. Louis County+/-$1,143+/-$1,427+/-$610+/-0.4%+/-$3,287+/-$2,410+/-$2,117+/-$1,964