19320 Map

19320 Income Statistics

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Comparison to Surrounding Areas

19320 Median Household Income

The median household income ($88,852) for 19320 is less than the median household income for 19390 ($114,403), 17527 ($92,292), 19330 ($112,885), 19335 ($136,839), 19343 ($161,964), 19348 ($118,367), 19365 ($92,137), 19372 ($120,172), 19375 ($250,001), 19380 ($122,876), 19382 ($126,159), Chester County ($123,041), Caln township ($100,376), East Fallowfield township ($131,563), Highland township ($97,750), Londonderry township ($126,500), Newlin township ($168,125), Sadsbury township ($110,268), West Bradford township ($161,781), West Brandywine township ($107,083), West Caln township ($100,221), and West Marlborough township ($97,500). But it's more than 19369 ($-1), 19316 ($-1), 19344 ($84,164), 19358 ($75,577), 19367 ($-1), Modena borough ($80,938), South Coatesville borough ($72,976), Valley township ($84,919), and Coatesville city ($57,323).

West Marlborough township$97,500
Caln township$100,376
Coatesville city$57,323
East Fallowfield township$131,563
Highland township$97,750
Londonderry township$126,500
Modena borough$80,938
Newlin township$168,125
Sadsbury township$110,268
South Coatesville borough$72,976
Valley township$84,919
West Bradford township$161,781
West Brandywine township$107,083
West Caln township$100,221
Chester County$123,041

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19320 Average Household Income

The average household income ($115,961) for 19320 is less than the average household income for 19330 ($136,872), 19390 ($156,390), 19382 ($169,808), 19380 ($158,097), 19375 ($249,766), 19372 ($122,854), 19348 ($170,870), 19343 ($187,097), 19335 ($168,982), Chester County ($165,377), West Marlborough township ($144,019), West Caln township ($138,032), West Brandywine township ($136,487), West Bradford township ($183,947), Sadsbury township ($119,581), Newlin township ($250,406), Londonderry township ($149,703), Highland township ($140,836), East Fallowfield township ($133,839), and Caln township ($120,713). But it's more than 19369 ($74,387), 19344 ($109,833), 19358 ($72,740), 19365 ($112,545), 19367 ($49,226), 17527 ($110,980), 19316 ($-1), Modena borough ($91,087), South Coatesville borough ($84,570), Valley township ($114,575), and Coatesville city ($72,371).

West Marlborough township$144,019
Caln township$120,713
Coatesville city$72,371
East Fallowfield township$133,839
Highland township$140,836
Londonderry township$149,703
Modena borough$91,087
Newlin township$250,406
Sadsbury township$119,581
South Coatesville borough$84,570
Valley township$114,575
West Bradford township$183,947
West Brandywine township$136,487
West Caln township$138,032
Chester County$165,377

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19320 Per-Capita Income

The per-capita income for 19320 is $43,175. The per capita income ($43,175) for 19320 is less than the per capita income for 19330 ($50,204), 19390 ($58,820), 19382 ($68,202), 19380 ($66,487), 19375 ($100,465), 19372 ($48,209), 19348 ($65,913), 19343 ($67,874), 19335 ($64,466), Chester County ($63,089), West Marlborough township ($67,344), West Caln township ($51,769), West Brandywine township ($54,339), West Bradford township ($64,067), Sadsbury township ($46,102), Newlin township ($90,003), Londonderry township ($55,856), Highland township ($49,185), East Fallowfield township ($46,674), and Caln township ($48,493). But it's more than 19369 ($38,197), 19344 ($40,906), 19358 ($28,576), 19365 ($40,657), 19367 ($10,735), 17527 ($36,600), 19316 ($40,766), Modena borough ($34,989), South Coatesville borough ($35,119), Valley township ($40,105), and Coatesville city ($27,961).

West Marlborough township$67,344
Caln township$48,493
Coatesville city$27,961
East Fallowfield township$46,674
Highland township$49,185
Londonderry township$55,856
Modena borough$34,989
Newlin township$90,003
Sadsbury township$46,102
South Coatesville borough$35,119
Valley township$40,105
West Bradford township$64,067
West Brandywine township$54,339
West Caln township$51,769
Chester County$63,089

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19320 High Income Households

14.4% of households make over $200,000 a year. The percent high income households (14.4%) for 19320 is less than the percent high income households for 19330 (21.1%), 19390 (25.3%), 19382 (29.1%), 19380 (25.9%), 19375 (67.9%), 19348 (25.7%), 19343 (37.3%), 19335 (28.8%), Chester County (27.3%), West Marlborough township (23.9%), West Caln township (18.4%), West Brandywine township (23.4%), West Bradford township (34.9%), Newlin township (44.3%), Londonderry township (21.3%), Highland township (21.2%), and East Fallowfield township (23.3%). But it's more than 19372 (6.9%), 19316 (0.0%), 19344 (11.6%), 19358 (0.0%), 19365 (11.4%), 19367 (0.0%), 19369 (0.0%), 17527 (12.2%), Coatesville city (1.7%), Modena borough (3.1%), Sadsbury township (13.7%), South Coatesville borough (9.8%), Valley township (12.1%), and Caln township (12.6%).

West Marlborough township23.9%
Caln township12.6%
Coatesville city1.7%
East Fallowfield township23.3%
Highland township21.2%
Londonderry township21.3%
Modena borough3.1%
Newlin township44.3%
Sadsbury township13.7%
South Coatesville borough9.8%
Valley township12.1%
West Bradford township34.9%
West Brandywine township23.4%
West Caln township18.4%
Chester County27.3%

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19320 Median Household Income by Age of Householder

under 25 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 64 years 65 years and over
West Marlborough township$81,250$138,229$116,154$52,037
Caln township$49,315$112,597$108,764$72,346
Coatesville city$92,632$56,931$58,418$54,734
East Fallowfield township$-1$149,041$132,188$87,201
Highland township$-1$91,346$130,000$53,333
Londonderry township$-1$127,969$178,265$91,750
Modena borough$-1$103,056$-1$64,375
Newlin township$-1$236,250$237,500$114,375
Sadsbury township$-1$114,000$128,634$61,176
South Coatesville borough$-1$75,438$72,727$52,159
Valley township$-1$112,981$85,116$72,262
West Bradford township$-1$199,084$160,375$78,534
West Brandywine township$-1$128,646$156,250$70,852
West Caln township$-1$86,250$142,730$75,441
Chester County$58,689$130,897$160,479$81,212

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About the Data

Sources & Margins of Error

All income statistics above are the most current, comparable income statistics available from the US Census Bureau and are from the American Community Survey 2023 5-year estimates. You can find this information and other demographics for 19320 on the US Census Bureau’s website. These values are in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars and were downloaded on 12 December 2024.

The following data tables were used:

  • B19001 Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19013 Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19301 Per Capita Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • S1902 Mean Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars)
  • B19049 Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars) By Age Of Householder

Margins of error for the above income data are:

Median Household Income Average Household Income Per Capita Income High Income Households Median Household Income by Age of Householder
under 25 25 to 44 45 to 64 65+
West Marlborough township+/-$16,860+/-$24,540+/-$9,973+/-7.2%+/-$52,141+/-$65,422+/-$22,940+/-$8,207
Caln township+/-$10,454+/-$13,063+/-$5,717+/-3.9%+/-$11,897+/-$17,740+/-$7,702+/-$10,146
Coatesville city+/-$5,154+/-$7,360+/-$3,497+/-1.6%+/-$64,071+/-$7,110+/-$12,649+/-$11,748
East Fallowfield township+/-$20,264+/-$14,764+/-$5,044+/-7.9%+/-$-1+/-$27,310+/-$41,467+/-$35,034
Highland township+/-$19,599+/-$18,494+/-$6,465+/-7.3%+/-$-1+/-$17,962+/-$27,120+/-$13,453
Londonderry township+/-$23,332+/-$13,177+/-$7,893+/-6.0%+/-$-1+/-$43,537+/-$4,204+/-$15,465
Modena borough+/-$39,903+/-$13,839+/-$5,633+/-4.9%+/-$-1+/-$39,291+/-$-1+/-$24,553
Newlin township+/-$41,605+/-$45,170+/-$15,453+/-7.5%+/-$-1+/-$34,244+/-$39,060+/-$49,824
Sadsbury township+/-$19,920+/-$14,603+/-$4,709+/-5.1%+/-$-1+/-$36,660+/-$23,857+/-$14,320
South Coatesville borough+/-$12,614+/-$11,860+/-$5,972+/-3.8%+/-$-1+/-$7,533+/-$15,003+/-$23,208
Valley township+/-$3,694+/-$12,703+/-$6,435+/-4.0%+/-$-1+/-$59,126+/-$4,225+/-$23,944
West Bradford township+/-$15,717+/-$16,335+/-$5,770+/-5.1%+/-$-1+/-$16,206+/-$25,576+/-$17,534
West Brandywine township+/-$18,488+/-$11,407+/-$4,055+/-4.3%+/-$-1+/-$27,116+/-$42,784+/-$14,135
West Caln township+/-$19,043+/-$18,616+/-$7,885+/-5.0%+/-$-1+/-$30,002+/-$15,493+/-$7,177
Chester County+/-$2,646+/-$2,446+/-$919+/-0.6%+/-$6,611+/-$4,652+/-$5,752+/-$2,809